Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In The Beginning, There was #blogchat..

What the hell is #blogchat?

For Twitter-challenged individuals, #blogchat is a weekly discussion on twitter that talks about anything and everything about blogging. What is Twitter? Well then, ever heard of Google? Anyway, I just discovered #blogchat yesterday and it pretty much inspired me to do some serious blogging.

I’ve been blogging for nearly 3 years but my topics were pretty much limited to pop culture. In fact, the only blog entries that brought in a decent amount of traffic to my blogs then (this would be my 4th) were all about TV shows, Pinoy Big Brother (local version) and American Idol. There was even a time where my TV show related-articles became sort of popular that people would be asking me to write for their blog and a company from Singapore even emailed me, wanting to advertise on my site. 

I didn’t know what I was doing then, I was just spurting out the most ridiculous thoughts I could think of about these TV shows and yet people were reading about it, people were interested. The attention that I received got so addictive, writing relevant articles became exciting. I would be at work, brainstorming for a print ad and all I could think of was, how to say in the most creative way, how drunk Paula looked in the last episode of American Idol.

I stopped blogging for a while to focus my energy on..nah, I just became too damn lazy to care, that’s all. (American Idol is now a snooze-fest and Pinoy Big Brother got boring) And we all know laziness can never lead to anything great & productive.

So that’s why I’m starting that passion for blogging. Writing about TV shows seems okay but I feel I’m on that level where I’d like to make a mark, to contribute something, to be of service and to share and learn new things. I’m no Seth Godin or that damn Carlo Cab kid (Wonder what pills his mom took when she was pregnant with him..) but you don’t have to be one to get started on blogging. 

Starting out a blog (again) as a thought-leader would be awesome but I don’t consider myself as that ..yet. I don’t claim to be a super-master-genius-leading specialist-numero uno expert in social media, sales, marketing, etc but you never know. For know, I’m just learning the ropes.  

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