Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wanted: 2 Full-Time, Home-Based Data Researchers from the Philippines

We're still looking!
Job Description/Requirements

We're looking for a FULL-TIME, HOME-BASED data researchers from the philippines.

It will great if you can let us know (in detail) if you have done any of the following:

-Internet based data collection
-Web research on firmographic data (industry, sub-industry,etc)
-Web research on contact titles and phone numbers.
-Ability to work for extended periods of time research and accumulating data


The more detail you can provide us, the easier it would be for us to understand eligibility

Interested individuals would also have to take a test and send in their CV. Please include in your email the ff:

1. application letter - detailed info based on requirerement above
2. confirmation to take test
3. resume

Please send in your email and resumes to, thanks.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

McDonald's Brilliant Interactive Billboard Campaign

I've never been a fan of Iphones. Or any other smartphones for that matter but they all fall under the Iphones category for me anyway. There I've said it.

They never really made an impact on me, never tickled my interest and I always thought they are just huge time-wasters. Instead of reading a book, enjoying the view, conversing with a fellow passenger and ogling at the cute ones, people just stare the whole ride at their Iphones and play with their applications and games. Instead of taking the time to relax, to get lost in your thoughts and to actually have a little time for yourself, people are too busy scanning their facebook pages, checking their emails, hitting zombies or angry birds.

It's like their whole world revolves around their Iphones! I bet if someone stole their Iphones or break it or just out of stupidity, they lost it themselves, they'll have a nervous breakdown. They won't be able to function well, the number of sick leaves would increase, relationships will be destroyed and lives would be taken. "Why my Iphone, Why?!!" would be heard all over the place, pandemonium would set in and the world will experience a new age of chaos and destruction.


It's kinda' cool to own an Iphone, especially when you're living next to this:


Pretty impressive huh?