Friday, April 29, 2011

Who Says Only Movies has Sneak Peeks?

Like what I've said in an earlier post, we are a few weeks shy of launching our new website. But not only are we launching a better, improved version, we are also introducing a number of things, like a discussion forum and my favorite, the Ask an Expert.

I have a lot of stories to tell about our experts: the first impressions, the meetings and the shouting matches coupled with a suicide attempt (don't worry, our expert wasn't involved in that. there was this girl see and..oh I'd tell you about it next time).

First things first, a couple of lines from our official blog:

"Listed below are our experts in no particular order, along with their background and achievements.
1.) Expert A –   A Managing Director and Principal Trainer, he has conducted seminars around the world for  Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament, Chief Executive Officers, Managers, Executives and Professionals in more than 400 companies and government organizations.
The author of 11 books, he  graduated  with a  First Class Honors in Philosophy and English Literature and currently resides in Singapore.

2.) Expert B – A Co-Founder and Managing Director, he’s a passionate trainer, accomplished speaker and experienced sales training executive. With his training firm, he has trained participants from several countries and has developed and conducted workshops in communication, leadership, and sales for Fortune 500 companies."

Pretty impressive huh? Wait till you here more background details.

To read more, visit our company blog here.

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