Monday, May 9, 2011

Ever Heard The Line "I'm Just Looking?"

I hated that sentence. “I’m just looking” or anything remotely similar to that. Back when I was a working as a retail executive, I’d readily approach anyone that comes into the store, prepare my beaming smile and look as harmless and as friendly as possible then ask “What can I do for you today?” Then most of them would say, “Oh I’m just looking.”

Back then for me, this was a customer’s way of saying “Back out lady, I ain’t buying. Don’t talk to me, don’t follow me around, don’t go sniffing at my butt and don’t even look at me from your peripheral vision. Just do your thing and I’ll do mine. In short, leave me alone bitch, pronto.” Well not that exactly, but you get the point.

Which was really bad for any service. See, everyone starts by just looking around. And I learned that if easily give up and get discouraged by that line, I wouldn’t get anywhere nor would I be able to sell anything, unless their reason for coming inside the store, in the first place, is really to buy something.

So I started experimenting with my opening line. Actually my boss then helped me in that matter.

Instead of “What can I do for you today?”, I changed it to “Good day! Welcome to --insert company--!” Then I’ll wait for a few seconds for them to acknowledge my greeting, meet their smile, and ask “What can I help you with?”

Now, this was quite tricky. It was either I’d get a positive question-response or I’d get the standard “I’m just looking.” When I get the latter reply, I just smile back and I leave them alone. For a while though. I just let them walk around the store for a few seconds then I pounce for the kill. This is when I start building rapport with them. This is when I make small talk.

You don’t necessarily flat out ask them where do they work or are they married, that would be a hell-lot creepy. You just ask them simple things. Try observing them first. Since customers coming into our store then were foreigners, I’d ask them in the nicest, friendliest, most conversational way possible, from what country were they from. And oh really, I was there last Christmas! Do you know the place...and kick off things from there.

Then when you feel they’re pretty much comfortable talking to you, ask them, “So what brings you here in -insert country- here in our store?” Make the shift as subtle as you can. Most of them don’t even know why they came in the store in the first place and you can easily direct them to the right path.

The smallest detail matter and opening lines kick off the initial tone of your selling strategy. So be mindful of them and always remember to deliver them with a smile on your lips, twinkle in your eyes and a stealth purpose in your heart.

Do you have some opening lines and follow-up statements to share? Feel free to share them in the comments section anytime. :)


  1. This was great info
    I am trying to learn how to write blogs that does the same thing that you are suggesting
    I will be following you blog Thank you!

  2. Thanks Robert! I'm glad you find it interesting. We can certainly help each other out, let me know if you need anything. Cheers!
