Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why James Franco & Ann Hathaway doesn't work in Sales

1.) James Franco's too cool to care for the Oscars, what more in sales?

Actors and sales professionals have a lot in common and one of them is having a script and saying it with such enthusiasm and conviction, a bald guy would want to buy a comb from you. Apparently James Franco was just spewing his lines as lazily as possible, Anne Hathaway just had to compensate for her partner's apparent disinterest.

2.) Anne Hathaway's too excited, she'd frightened every customer in the store
You don't want to scare potential customers nor do you want to intimidate them into buying your product. Worse case would be, they'd purchase your product just because they feel sorry for you. Anne Hathaway was clearly trying to hard just to get some well-meaning, genuine laughter out of the Oscar audience. 

 3.) James Franco seems unprepared for the Oscars, what would you expect from him in a sales presentation?!
When you're doing a presentation, make sure you've practiced dozens of times and you've already anticipated the reaction or question of your audience. Apparently James Franco seems to busy at his Yale course load to even practice his lines a bit with Anne Hathaway

4.) Anne Hathaway is so eager to please, she'd probably give a product for free just so she can say, "I closed a sale!"

You should be in control of the conversation, especially when dealing with difficult customers. So never, ever let customers bully you into letting them have their own way. Be firm yet diplomatic with them. And don't say yes to them always just because they're the customer. So Anne, you should have kicked James Franco's ass backstage, instead of you having to hold the show together

5.) Because they're too damn hot for sales.
It would be a disaster, you'd have to hire bodyguards for the both of them just so people won't be throwing themselves at their feet. How do you expect customers to listen at what they're saying when the customers would be too busy salivating at them?

For Hollywood-immune individuals out there, James Franco and Anne Hathaway hosted the recent Oscars. If you didn't catch  the Oscars, James Franco played the nemesis of Peter Parker, the bestfriend who has gone loco when his dad died and Anne Hathaway was Miranda's slave in the The Devil Wears Prada. If those movies doesn't ring a bell, lets just say they're just hot as hell.

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